Cinderella Kit

Master likes to read Kit’s blog, because there are things written on this blog that may never be shared in person. Don’t know why that is, suppose the part of the brain that governs writing is a bit different than the part of brain that governs day to day communication. 

Kit used to hate writing. An essay assignment at school would be the end of the Kit. Was taught in school to always include an intro, a conclusion, and a body consisting of three paragraphs to make a decent written piece. Kit would painstakingly compose each paragraph only to reach the conclusion and realize that there were nothing left to be said. Already stated everything that Kit needed to write, why was a conclusion needed?! Oh the pain of writing! Make it go away! It’s a wonder that Kit passed college level english. But then again, Kit went on to graduate school, which she thought would be a long shot…

Teachers, be it in China or in America would always frown at Kit’s essays. A paper would always come back dotted with corrective marks indicating better word choice, horrible sentence structures, run-ons, and you get the picture. So here Kit is typing away her thoughts. Doing something that she used to hate… Mom would be proud. Probably not at certain content on Master and slave, but would be proud on others that Kit had wrote. 

Now Kit is faced with a similar situation where cleaning house isn’t Kit’s favorite activity. With so much time on Kit’s hands now that Master is mostly busy, Kit is somewhat taking a liking to cleaning. Shall go into Cinderella mode so that Kit can dust and sweep to her own music with the dogs following around and birds chirping in the background, haha! But in all seriousness, Kit went to town with cleaning and organizing with the extra 30 minutes that Kit’s alloted to herself each morning. It’s amazing on how much things Kit can accomplish with that extra 30 minutes. Shall give this routine another week, so the brain can adjust before waking up another 30 minutes early. 

What to do with that extra 30 minutes? Kit can meditate and spend quiet time reading news and blogs. Kit can walk the dogs and get some exercise done. Or Kit can even do some studying in the morning to keep the mind sharp. So many endless posibilities! You know what the best part is? The best part is when Master gets home at night, Kit can list off a bunch of things that Kit’s done so He don’t need to worry about Kit being home alone all the time. 

So yeah, we are both adjusting to the new schedule. Totally doable as long as the nonsensical part of the Kit stays in her kiddy corner =3 

7 thoughts on “Cinderella Kit

  1. It’s sounds as though you are learning to enjoy your own company! Most people have a very hard time with that idea but I find it makes everything more enjoyable.

    Being happy with yourself makes being happy in general much easier. I’m very glad to hear it kit, I hope this makes a bit of sense! *chuckle*

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A suggestion if I may.

    Consider a running list. Hear of an unusual medical condition caused by belly rubs in cats and want to read more, put it on the list. Notice dirt on the ceiling fan, put it on the list. Easy to see the general idea here. You will do things that would have been missed otherwise, you will have a better headset, broader education, cleaner home and a better relationship. You will wonder how you did without.

    I’m glad that you are seeing this situation positively ma’am. You could just as easily have decided to stay up late alone and rotting in front of a TV. Doubt you would have seen the positives above had you gone that route.

    Liked by 2 people

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